Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

Today I found 34 cents . . .. 1 nickel, 1 quarter, and 4 pennies. I also found change in two states, Texas and Maryland.

On my way to the airport this morning I stopped at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found three cents.

After landing in Baltimore I found an additional 31 cents (one nickel, one quarter, one penny). The nickel came first (under a stamp machine at the airport), the quarter second (under a soda machine at the airport), and the penny was last (by a candy stand at the airport).

Totals for the day: 34 cents
Race Totals: $329.84


June Monthly Report:

This month I found 294 pennies, 14 nickels, 44 dimes, and 29 quarters. I also found a $1 bill. Change was found in two states, Texas and Maryland.

Monthly Total: $16.28
Change Cycle Days: 7
Dollar Days: 6
Monthly High: $1.66 (June 16th)
Monthly Low: 1 cent (June 19th)
Daily Average: 54 ish cents

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Today I found 29 cents . . .. 1 dime and 19 pennies.

On my way home from working in Pasadena, TX I stopped at one of their local car washes and extracted 13 cents (one dime & three pennies).

In the evening after a trip to the post office I went to Randalls, a local grocery store, and found seven cents (all pennies) under and around a coin counting machine. My final find of the day was 10 cents (all pennies) in my apartment complex laundry room.

Totals for the day: 29 cents
Race Totals: $329.50

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Today I found 26 cents . . .. 1 quarter and 1 penny.

On my way to a meeting this morning I had to stop and pull over to look at a map. Lucky for me I pulled over into a parking lot along Interstate 45 that had a penny sitting in it. The quarter was found in the evening at the car wash next to the post office. It was sitting in the coin return slot of a soda machine.

The Astros continue their losing ways. At least our players know that the object of the game is to hit the ball, not their wives. Of course right now they aren’t hitting the ball either, but that might come.

Totals for the day: 26 cents
Race Totals: $329.21

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Today I found 4 cents . . .. all pennies.

I picked up the first penny this morning in the parking lot of a Chevron gas station, where I stopped to pick up a morning snack. The second and third pennies were found at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex. The fourth and final penny was found in a parking space at my apartment complex. It was situated in close proximity to the mailbox. The penny was more exciting than the only piece of mail that I got today, an unsolicited AOL Internet CD.

Totals for the day: 4 cents
Race Totals: $328.95

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006

Today I found 29 cents . . .. 1 quarter & 4 pennies.

I found the first penny in the parking lot of Garden of Eatin, the restaurant where I met my friend and former co-worker John for lunch. I found the second penny inside at the base of a salad bar. The third penny came at the post office, in the coin return slot of a stamp machine. The remaining 26 cents (one quarter & one penny) was found at the car wash next to the post office.

Totals for the day: 29 cents
Race Totals: $328.91

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today I found $1.29 . . .. 2 dimes, 4 quarters, and 9 pennies.

All change was found at area car washes, that I visited while completing some leisurely Sunday afternoon chores.

Totals for the day: $1.29
Race Totals: $328.62

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Today I found 49 cents . . .. 2 dimes & 29 pennies. I also found a European one-cent piece, which sadly will not count toward the daily totals.

This afternoon I went to Kroger, a local grocery store, to get some last minute items for a poolside BBQ. In the change return slot of a coin counting machine I found 46 cents (two dimes & 26 pennies). The coin counting machine slot is also where I found the European one-cent piece. Although the value of said European one-cent piece will have no ultimate effect on the daily totals it is a welcome edition to my “Not Change Cup,” keeper of items of the non-US coin variety.

In the evening I found a penny at the post office, where I stopped to mail some eBay items this evening. It was on the floor by some trashcans. Two more pennies followed at the car wash next to the post office.

Totals for the day: 49 cents
Race Totals: $327.33

Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

Today I found 11 cents . . .. 1 dime & 1 penny.

Days in Houston are alternating between amazingly hot and amazingly wet, and sometimes a bit of both. In search of a drink this afternoon I stopped at a local convenience store to pick up a bottle of Gatoraid. In the parking lot I also picked up a dull penny. Later in the evening I found a dime in the laundry room of my apartment complex.

Totals for the day: 11 cents
Race Totals: $326.84

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Today I found $1.02 . . . .1 nickel, 1 dime 3 quarters, and 12 pennies (the spiffy change cycle).

On my way to work this morning I stopped at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found 70 cents (one nickel, one dime, two quarters, and five pennies). I almost stopped there last night on my way home from the Astros game, but I was tired and decided to save it for the morning. I’m glad I did.

At lunch this afternoon I spotted and retrieved a single penny from a parking lot and after the Astros game as I searched for ticket stubs I found a quarter under some seats. The final find of the day was six cents (all pennies) at the Kwick Kar Wash.

For several weeks Houston has been gearing up for the return of Roger Clemens. For his start tonight there were more tickets sold than to any game in the World Series last year. This makes me angry on so many levels. First, the World Series was sold out so clearly seats must have been held back. Second, Clemens has pitched here for two years and most of his games were not sellouts, so there is no reason for bandwagon fan to start showing up now. Third, I got a bad parking space because everyone decided to show up, and bad parking makes for a bad night.

Totals for the day: $1.02
Race Totals: $326.73

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Today I found 22 cents . . . .1 dime & 12 pennies.

All change was found at the Kwick Kar Wash, where I stopped after the Astros game (a rare win) against the Minnesota Twins. The 22 cents comes one day before #22 Roger Clemens makes his first start for the Astros this year.

Totals for the day: 22 cents
Race Totals: $325.71

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Today I found 30 cents . . . .1 quarter & 5 pennies.

Two cents were found at the Kwick Kar Wash and the remaining change was found at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex.

Totals for the day: 30 cents
Race Totals: $325.49

Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

Today I found 1 cent . . . .a lone penny.

As the entire day was nothing but thunderstorm after thunderstorm most of my change searching was confined to the inside. Luckily I spotted a single penny under a change counting machine at Ranalls, a local grocery store. Said lone penny keeps alive my consecutive find streak that is now at 491 days and counting.

Totals for the day: 1 cent
Race Totals: $325.19

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Today I found 26 cents . . . .1 quarter & 1 penny.

Manic would be the only word I can use to describe the Houston Astros right now. They had one eight of nine games, including a sweep of the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field (one of the few places in baseball where the home team has a true advantage) and then they lose two of three to the Kansas City Royals, the worst team in baseball. I’m in no mood to try to figure that one out.

After the Astros game I took a brief walk around the stands and I found a quarter under some seats. On the way home I stopped for gas and a drink at a Chevron gas station. Inside I found a penny on the ground by the front cash registers.

Totals for the day: 26 cents
Race Totals: $325.18

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Today I found 93 cents . . . .1 nickel, 3 dimes, 2 quarters, and 8 pennies.

I’m a bit annoyed with blogger right now. I’m fairly confident that I posted for Saturday and when I logged on I found that the Saturday post is nowhere to be found. Alas, my memory is failing me right now, so I can’t give specifics regarding Saturday’s finds. I know that most of the change was found at parking meters around Minute Maid Ballpark.

I wish I hadn’t erased the Saturday post on my hard drive, but I have fallen into the habit of posting and deleting what I have written on my home computer. I won’t make that mistake again.

Totals for the day: 93 cents
Race Totals: $324.92

Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday, June 16, 2006

Today I found $1.66 . . . .1 nickel, 2 dimes, 1 quarter, and 16 pennies, and 1 $1 bill (the smashing change cycle).

As I walked to check my mail this afternoon I found a crumpled $1 bill in the parking lot of my apartment complex. As I exited the Astros game this evening I found 40 cents (one nickel, one dime, and one quarter) in the coin return slot of a pay phone.

Driving home from the Astros game I stopped at the Kwick Kar Wash and found 12 cents (one dime & two pennies) and at JR’s Car Wash I found 14 cents (all pennies).

As loyal readers know Bailey, my change finding partner, recently moved to St. Louis. One of his favorite activities at the ballpark was hanging around where the umpires leave the field and trying to bum balls off of them. They usually have some extras and when they leave they toss them up to fans milling around the area. This was my first game since Bailey had left, so I decided that in tribute to him I would hang out by the umpire’s tunnel and try to get a ball. Mission accomplished. I’m now the proud owner of a game used ball that was one of three that was tossed into the stands after the game. In a way it is probably a historic ball, as it was used in a game that the Kansas City Royals actually won.

Totals for the day: $1.66
Race Totals: $323.99

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today I found 73 cents . . . .1 nickel, 3 dimes, 1 quarter, and 13 pennies (the terrific change cycle).

On my way home from Kemah, TX this afternoon I stopped at the reliable Kwick Kar Wash and found 36 cents (one nickel, two dimes, and 11 pennies). Closer to home I stopped at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found 37 cents (one dime, one quarter, and two pennies).

After a series of about two weeks where I was busy 24/7 I finally had the chance to rest this evening. I had no plans after work and the Astros were out of town until tomorrow so I actually got to stay in for the evening. I can’t begin to describe how wonderful it was to have nothing planned.

Totals for the day: 73 cents
Race Totals: $322.33

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today I found 2 cents . . . .all pennies.

The first penny was found in the back of a Wal-Mart store south of Houston. The second penny was found at the same Wal-Mart store, this time by the front door. It was sitting against a wall standing on its side when I noticed and retrieved it.

Totals for the day: 2 cents
Race Totals: $321.60

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today I found $1.59 . . . .4 nickels, 7 dimes, 2 quarters, and 19 pennies (the swell change cycle).

It’s one of those nights where I have absolutely zero energy and just getting on line is a lot of work. I worked out hard this evening and my shoulder feels like it is about to rip off. Making matters worse my Internet has been crazy slow lately, so all things considered I’m going to have to let the totals speak for themselves and say good night now.

Totals for the day: $1.59
Race Totals: $321.58

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday, June 12, 2006

Today I found 6 cents . . . .1 nickel and 1 penny.

All the change was found at the car wash next to the post office, where I stopped after I mailed some eBay items this evening.

It was a sad day in Houston. Bailey is packed and he is leaving for St. Louis tomorrow. When I visited with him this evening he sent me home with several coupon books and two partially filled bags of charcoal.

Totals for the day: 6 cents
Race Totals: $319.99

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Today I found 27 cents . . . .1 quarter and 2 pennies.

I woke up very early for a Sunday morning (7am) because I wanted to get down to the ballpark and try to catch a few of the Atlanta Braves as they came in. I was missing just a few of the guys I needed to complete my team ball that I was working on and I knew that with no batting practice on Sunday my only shot was to get them as they came into the stadium.

My gamble paid off as I got Bobby Cox to sign for me by the back loading dock and I also added Pete Orr and Larry Wayne Jones (also know as Chipper) to my ball. As I was walking into the ballpark I found a single penny by the home plate entrance.

After the game it was kids run the bases, so I spent that time searching for ticket stubs. While scouring the ballpark I found an additional 26 cents (one quarter & one penny) under seats.

The Astros ended their 10-game home stand in impressive style, smacking around the Braves 14-4. They are still not a good team, but at least they played like one for a game.

I ended up with 21 players and the manager on my ball. Because one player came off the DL and one player was sent down during the series I actually had a shot at getting 26 players. The five that did not sign the entire series (at least for me) were John Smoltz (who blew me off outside today but did sign for some kids), Edgar Renteria, Marcus Giles, Andru Jones (usually a decent signer), and Chris Reitsma.

Totals for the day: 27 cents
Race Totals: $319.93

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Today I found 71 cents . . . .6 dimes and 11 pennies.

Today was the 9th straight home game for the Houston Astros and I was getting a bit baseballed out. During the second inning I decided to take a walk around outside the ballpark to enjoy the blistering 95-degree day. Even that seemed less painful than sitting at that point. While outside I found 42 cents (four dimes & two pennies). All the change was at the base of parking meters, two dimes coming at one single meter.

In the evening I took some items to the post office and then I checked the car wash next to the post office. There I found the remaining change, 29 cents (two dimes & nine pennies).

Totals for the day: 71 cents
Race Totals: $319.66

Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday, June 9, 2006

Today I found 47 cents . . . .2 dimes, 1 quarter, and 2 pennies.

Last night as I drove back from the Astros game I noticed that it was a new day. I also noticed that I needed gas so I went to Citgo and filled up. While filling up I walked the parking lot and found 21 cents (two dimes & two pennies). On my way home for the new day I stopped at the drive-thru at Starbucks and found 26 cents (one quarter & one penny).

Not to brag, but last night at the Astros game I got to sit in the Diamond Club yet again. These are the $325 seats directly behind homeplate. Instead of a picture of a ticket, I leave you with a picture from my actual seat (no zoom was used) of Morgan Ensberg looking at a called ball (catcher was Brian McCann):

Totals for the day: 47 cents
Race Totals: $318.95

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Today I found 13 cents . . . .1 nickel and 9 pennies.

All change was found at the Kwick Kar Wash where I stopped on my way back from the Astros game.

Totals for the day: 14 cents
Race Totals: $318.48

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Today I found $1.07 . . . 2 nickels, 4 dimes, 1 quarter, and 32 pennies (the revered change cycle). I also found a Canadian quarter, which sadly will not count toward the daily totals.

It was afternoon baseball in Houston today and thanks to my work schedule I was able to attend. The Astros, who were one hit the night before, managed five hits today, one of which was a homerun by Catcher Brad Ausmus. It was enough for the win as 28-year old Chris Sheldon earned his first Major League win, shutting out the Cubs 1-0.

After the game I went to a local high school track to work out and I found five cents (all pennies) in the parking lot and in some grass. I found another five cents (one nickel) in the change return slot of a stamp machine at the post office, where I dropped off some eBay items that needed to be sent out.

On the way home I stopped at Randalls, a local grocery store, to get a drink and I made my big find of the day, 97 cents (one nickel, four dimes, one quarter, and 27 pennies). All the change was in the change return slot of a coin counting machine.

It was in the aforementioned coin return slot of the change counting machine that I found the Canadian quarter. Although said quarter will have no outcome on the totals for the day it has already been deposited into my “Not Change Cup,” holder of assorted items of the non-US change type.

Following up a strong autograph performance from yesterday I managed to get two great autographs this afternoon. The first was Mike Coats, a former astronaut and current director of NASA and the second was Hall of Famer Ryan Sandberg. Mr. Sandberg was in the crowd to watch the game and as he left he graciously signed a baseball for me.

Totals for the day: $1.07
Race Totals: $318.34

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Today I found 7 cents . . . . . all pennies.

At a local convenience store I found a penny by the front counter and another penny in the parking lot. At the Astros game this evening I found a penny walking from my car to the front gate and another three cents in and around the ballpark. On the way home I stopped at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found one penny.

Since today is 6/6/06, close to the sign of the devil, it seems nice that I got a lucky seven cents. Of course any found money is lucky money.

In the baseball isn’t really that smart, are they? department the following game was played tonight (going along with the 666 theme): Tampa Bay DEVIL Rays vs. Anaheim ANGELS. Good defeated evil as the Angels won.

At the game this evening I was I noticed Carl Malone of the Utah Jazz on the field watching batting practice. As he left the field I had him sign a baseball for me. He makes only the second NBA player that I have ever gotten to sign a baseball (the first was Tracy McGrady).

Totals for the day: 7 cents
Race Totals: $317.27

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday, June 5, 2006

Today I found 78 cents . . . . . 3 quarters & 3 pennies.

Driving to the ballpark this evening, to witness the Astros fifth loss in a row, I stopped at McDonalds for my only meal of the day and I found three cents (all pennies) in the drive-thru lane. After the Astros game, a one hitter thrown by Cubs Carlos Zambrano, I found three quarters under a seat.

Totals for the day: 78 cents
Race Totals: $317.20

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Today I found $1.48 . . . 1 nickel, 7 dimes, 1 quarter, and 48 pennies (the Rocking Change Cycle). One of the pennies was a 1940 Wheat Penny. I also found a penny from Panama, which sadly will not count toward the daily totals.

Early this morning I went on a change run while talking to Bailey on the phone. With Marti out of town he didn’t have much to do so I figured I might as well try to keep pace with him. At a drive-thru window for a donut shop I found two cents. Then the big find was at Al Gator’s Car Wash where I found $1.40 (one nickel, seven dime, one quarter, and 40 pennies).

It was at Al Gator’s where I found the penny from Panama. Although it will not count toward the daily totals it is a welcome edition to my “Not Change Cup,” keeper of such objects.

The Astros managed to lose in spectacular style today. This was upsetting on a multitude of levels. First, it was the last Astros game that Bailey will be attending with me since he is moving to St. Louis. Second, I normally love extra inning games (not the kind where the Astros tie it and then lose, but I still like them). However, as soon as the game ended I was heading to a Nine Inch Nails concert, and extra innings delayed my departure.

The good news was that the Astros didn’t prolong my misery too long and I was off in time to see an excellent concert. Lots of old stuff was played (mostly from Pretty Hate Machine) and some new stuff. Going into the concert I found four cents, including the 1940 Wheat Penny, by the doors where staff all but strip-searched customers. Leaving the concert I found another penny. Good times.

Totals for the day: $1.48
Race Totals: $316.42

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Today I found 68 cents . . . 1 dime, 2 quarters & 8 pennies.

Outside the ballpark I found a penny by the base of a Pepsi machine. After the game I was searching for tickets and I found another 35 cents (one dime & one quarter). The quarter was situated on top of a mint ticket stub (Ken Grumpy Jr hit career homerun 544 this evening) and the dime was under some seats.

On the way back from yet another Astros loss I stopped at the Kwick Kar Wash and found five cents (all pennies) and at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found 27 cents (one quarter & two pennies). The quarter was in the coin slot of a dollar bill changer and the two pennies were on the ground.

Despite the Astros recent performances I have been having a good time at the games. In two days I have managed to get 19 of the 25 men on the Reds roster on my team ball. More importantly I added three Chris’ to my Chris Ball, a ball that I’m getting signed by all players named Chris who have played in the Major Leagues.

Totals for the day: 68 cents
Race Totals: $314.94

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday, June 2, 2006

Today I found 58 cents . . . 2 quarters & 8 pennies.

On my way to the game this evening I found five cents (all pennies) at the Kwick Kar Wash and on my way home I found 52 cents (two quarters and two pennies) at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex. The quarters were both on the ground, at different locations and the pennies were also on the ground, by a bank of vacuum cleaners.

Totals for the day: 58 cents
Race Totals: $314.26

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Today I found 12 cents . . . 1 dime & 2 pennies.

On my way downtown this morning I found a penny at a Chevron station and another penny in an attached McDonalds. I found the dime on the sidewalk outside a downtown eating establishment where I stopped for a quick lunch.

Totals for the day: 12 cents
Race Totals: $313.68