Monday, February 14, 2005

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Race of the Century Conceived:

For several weeks my friend Baily and I have been discussing how much change (pennies, nickels, quarters, dimes) are lying around on the ground in America. After much discussion, and some drinking, we have decided to find out. On a recent vacation to Hawaii, where I posed this question to several other friends, reaction was mixed. No one could agree. I looked around the beach for a few hours and found 76 cents. This settled nothing.

We have now given up on finding an answer to our original quesiton, but have devised a new game to play. Finding enough change to equal $100. The rules are simple:

1. The change must be lost (ie. not in a "give a penny, take a penny" jar, or in a fountain).
2. Change totals are added up daily, the honor system is key.
3. It is acceptable to go out of your way to look for change. One can look as little or as much as you want.
4. Once found, change is deposited into a Houston Astros cup. Change can not be replaced or removed for any reason until it totals $100.

Let the games begin.


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Bailey said...

Nice to see that the Astros cup made it as on offical rule!


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