Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today I found 21 cents . . .. 2 dimes & 1 penny.

The first dime was found on the floor at North Station this morning. My lone penny, sandwiched between the two dimes, was found behind a change counting machine at my local credit union. The final dime of the night was found on the curb outside a restaurant along Washington St.

Totals for the day: 21 cents
Race Totals: $682.08


At 3:23 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

So, when you said that the penny was "sandwiched between the two dimes," I clearly hadn't been reading all that carefully as I had a vision of three dirty coins all sticking together thanks to an unknown (and gooey) substance. A filthy coin sandwich, if you will. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit as I envisioned you picking up the filthy, sticky coin sandwich with your BARE HANDS (and maybe grabbing a hot dog immediately after, shoving it into your mouth, and licking your fingers). But then I reread the entry and lo and behold I realized that I had, in fact, misunderstood. Yay for reading comprehension (although it's still gonna take me a little while to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth....). And I'm also going to pretend, in my Happy Little Brookeland, that if you WERE to actually see a filthy coin sandwich, you would just keep on walking and not pick it up. I'm sure that this, in fact, is probably not true. I'm sure that filthy coin sandwiches earn you extra points or whatever. Just do me a favor: If your coin retrieval ever becomes especially disgusting (e.g. found it in a pile of dog crap, or in the middle of a puddle of phlegm, or in an obese stripper's fat folds), PLEASE spare me the details (or WARN me not to read that day!!).


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