Friday, September 12, 2008

Farewell to the Legend

Today I found 25 cents . . 2 dimes & 5 pennies.

The first 13 cents (one dime & three pennies) were found by a McDonalds stand at North Station. On the way home I found another penny at North Station and a penny on the sidewalk by the Back Bay T stop. The final find of the day, a dime, was recorded on the floor at Harry O's, a local sub shop.

In January 2005, a friend and I sat in chairs in the mountains of Hawaii discussing (over a few drinks) the number of coins that were lost every year by Americans. There was no answer, but I did some Internet research and stumbled upon a brilliantly written blog by Brian, of New Jersey. Brian provided the inspiration for this blog, which was subsequently started as a race between myself and another friend, Bailey.

Yesterday Brain made his final change post. Over the years I have enjoyed reading Brian's blog, following his results, and watching his young son grow up. Today the blog world seems a little more empty than it was the day before. Farewell, Brian.

Totals for the day: 25 cents
Race Totals: $683.62


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Chris...
Thanks for the kind words. Lidge is totally locked in. Talk soon...

password: yitpqrm


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