Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Today I found 19 cents . . . 1 nickel, 1 dime, and 4 pennies.

My first three pennies of the day were found at the New England Medical Center T stop. All three were on the ground by a ticket machine. It was very cold this morning and I had to remove my gloves to pick up the pennies, but it was obviously worth the time.

The next penny was also found at a T stop, this time at North Station. There is a giant fan at the station (obviously not on today) and the penny was at the base of that fan.

On the way home I decided to take the Silver Line bus, and as I stepped on there was 15 cents (one nickel & one dime) on the ground by the front steps. Perhaps someone dropped the change as they were trying to pay for their ticket. Either way, the 15 cents was added to the daily totals.

Totals for the day: 19 cents
Race Totals: $694.20


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