Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today I found 11 cents. . . 1 dime & 1 penny.

The penny was found this morning on the T platform at the New England Medical Center stop. I wouldn't have found the penny unless it was for the terrible T operator who saw me running to catch the train and then pulled away despite the fact that there was a jam ahead and he had no where to actually go. He sat there on the platform for a good 45 seconds, doors closed, just to spite us. Punk! Ah well, with the extra time on the platform I got my penny, so it was ok in the end.

The dime was found later in the day at my credit union. There is a trashcan next to a coin counting machine there and oftentimes people throw out coins that won't run through the machine. I always check the trashcan and found a dime there today. It was totally clean and must have just slipped in there.

Totals for the day: 11 cents
Race Totals: $698.18


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