Saturday, May 20, 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today I found 89 cents . . . 3 nickels, 1 dime, 2 quarters, and 14 pennies (the stupendous Change Cycle).

Not wanting a repeat of yesterday’s close call I made a quick stop at Sonic this afternoon for some lunch. In addition to a hamburger and tater tots I picked up a penny on the patio. On the way home I stopped at Krogar, a local grocery store, and found 15 cents (one nickel & one dime) near a change counting machine. The nickel, a 1943 model, was on the ground next to the machine and the dime was underneath.

After parking for the Astros game this afternoon I spotted and retrieved a penny from the sidewalk. After the game I found two quarters in the change return slot of a payphone located directly outside the homeplate entrance of the ballpark. On the way home I stopped at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex, and found 22 cents (three nickels & 12 pennies).

The last nickel that I found at JR’s Car Wash was minted in 2006. This means that I found nickels today with a difference in age of 63 years.

Totals for the day: 89 cents
Race Totals: $308.70


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