Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today I found 40 cents . . 1 dime, 1 quarter, and 5 pennies.

Heading to the ballpark this afternoon I passed through North Station and found two pennies at the base of a McDonalds stand. At Fenway Park, America's Most Beloved Ballpark, I found another 28 cents (one quarter & three pennies). The first penny was by a walkway and I found it right when I entered the ballpark. The other two pennies were at the base of a trashcan by a food stand. The quarter was found under a seat after the game.

One the way home from the game I ended my day with a dime that I spotted in a crosswalk. It was dark, but the light from a street lamp gave the dime just enough shine to be spotted.

Totals for the day: 40 cents
Race Totals: $685.34


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