Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Today I found 60 cents . . . 1 nickel, 1 dime, 1 quarter, and 20 pennies (the Post President’s Day Change Cycle). I also received yet another signed dollar bill in the mail. I also found a necklace, which sadly will not count toward the daily totals.
Driving along a road that runs parallel to Beltway 8 I found 25 cents (one quarter) while stopped at a red light. I retrieved it just as the light turned green. Later in the day I found 35 cents (one nickel, one dime, and 20 pennies) at a no-name car wash in Wallaceville, TX.
It was also at the no-name car wash that I found this necklace:

Although it will not count towards the daily totals it has already been deposited into the “Not Change Cup,” keeper of such found items.
When I checked my mail this evening I had received yet another signed dollar bill, this one from former Secretary of the Treasury Paul H. O’Neill:

Secretary O’Neill was kind enough to sign it directly above his facsimile signature and I am most grateful.
Finally, special thanks to loyal reader LP in Boston. In real life LP is a top notch accountant who had nothing better to do with her free time (i.e. time at work while the boss was out of town) than to create a fancy Excel spreadsheet and verify the accuracy of my change totals. Change totals are now officially certified as we move ever so closer to the $500 mark.
Totals for the day: 60 cents
Race Totals: $497.96
Have you gotten any messages from the former Treasury secretaries?
password: uvsgz
A solid non change find... I think that should be the reward for the $500 winner:)
How many dollar bills did you send out for autographs?
I got the Baker bill signed in person so I had the chance to chat with him. Nicholas Brady sent a note wishing me the best, and the others have just returned the bills that I sent signed. All seem very nice and I'm sure if I actually asked a specific question they would most certainly respond.
I'm not sure if Bailey really wants a neclace, but I'll keep that open as an option.
Mr/Mrs Anonymous:
There are currently eight living former Secretaries of the Treasury. I got Mr. Baker to sign the bill in person and I have mailed bills to six of the former secretaries. Three have mailed bills back and two were mailed out quite recently. I mailed a bill to Mr. Snow about a month ago and have not heard back (but his secretary indicated over the phone that he would sign) and I have yet to mail a bill to Mr. Summers. That should go out in the next few days.
Do you know you have the wrong day on your post for today? The date is correct but it is Wednesday rather than Tuesday.
Mr/Mrs Anonymous:
I do now, thanks.
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