Thursday, March 15, 2007
Today I found 14 cents . . .. 1 dime and 4 pennies.
On the way home from work, after a quick stop at the bank, I checked in at a no name car wash along FM 1960 and found 13 cents (one dime & three pennies). The dime was in the coin return slot of a vending machine and the pennies were scattered about on the ground. The last penny was found at the post office, under an automated stamp machine.
Today I received this in the mail:

It is a dollar bill autographed and personalized by Former Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin. There are eight living former Secretaries of the Treasury and this bill is the last one that I needed to complete my collection. At some point in the near future I’ll frame all the bills that I got signed, but to recap the following Secretaries signed for me (in parenthesis the President/s that they served under:
George Shultz (Nixon), W. Michael Blumenthal (Carter), James A. Baker (Reagan), Nicholas F. Brady (Reagan/Bush, Sr.), Robert E. Rubin (Clinton), Lawrence Summers (Clinton), Paul H. O’Neill (Bush, Jr.), and John W. Snow (Bush, Jr).
I’m grateful to all of them for signing, and especially to George Shultz, who had the fastest turnaround time for any signer (a quick eight days).
Totals for the day: 14 cents
Race Totals: $507.60
Congrats on getting all the Secretary Bills. Good thing we didn't do a race on those also.
Now comes the question that we both had. How to frame them? Allow room for future bills?
Nice on the Rubin bill. I like his biography.
password: svfdiny
Rock on, Chris! That is awesome. So what is going to be your next big project?
You are a rockstar! Nice job! I can't wait to hear how you decide to display them:)
My bad. I though that we were racing and that you choked, much like Indiana against Maryland in 2002!
They are all really interesting guys, but my tops are Shultz (who held multiple Secretary positions for many presidents) and Baker, who's autobiography I am reading now and throughly enjoying.
No thoughts on the next project yet. Suggestions are welcomed.
The display question is still to be decided, but I'm sure I'll post a picture once I figure out how to frame them.
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