Saturday, April 14, 2007
Today I found 99 cents . . .. 2 nickel, 5 dime, 1 quarter, and 14 pennies (The Almost $1 Change Cycle). I also found a plastic cartoon dog wearing a tie. Sadly, the dog will not count toward the daily totals.
Following a late evening with friends I found a penny outside the bar/restaurant where we had gathered. In the morning I was doing a load of laundry and found a penny on the ground in the laundry room. It was stuck to the floor but I was easily able to pry it free and add it to the daily totals.
This evening I took a poster to the post office for mailing. On the way home I stopped at the car wash next to the post office and found 97 cents (two nickels, five dimes, one quarter, and 12 pennies). The vast majority of the change was sitting one the ledge of a car wash station, although some was found on the ground in the same car wash station and some was found by a bank of vacuum cleaners.
It was at the car wash next to the post office that I found this:

It is a plastic dog in a suit, wearing a tie. The dog is slightly taller and wider than a US quarter and it was found on the ground by a bank of vacuum cleaners. Although the dog will not count toward the daily totals it has already been deposited into the “Not Change Cup,” keeper of such unique items.
Totals for the day: 99 cents
Race Totals: $524.07
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