Sunday, March 16, 2008
Today I found 15 cents . . . 2 nickels & 5 pennies.
Today marked the end of my Florida portion of vacation and the start of my cruise portion of the vacation! Last night I flew from Orlando to Miami and today my ship sails for the Caribbean.
This morning Becca and I headed out for breakfast prior to heading to the ship and I found seven cents (one nickel & two pennies) on a sidewalk in South Beach Florida. Shortly thereafter I found another three pennies in a gutter along the same street. The pennies were sitting in some nasty looking water, but they were safely retrieved.
Below is a picture of our ship prior to sailing:

Once onboard the ship I took a walk around to familiarize myself with my new home for the next seven days. While walking through the ship casino I found five cents (a nickel) in the pay-out section of a nickel slot machine.
Totals for the day: 15 cents
Race Totals: $647.32
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