Today I found 16 cents . . . all pennies.
All the change was found at JR’s Car Wash, the car wash next to my apartment complex. I stopped there on the way home from the Astros game, a lackluster loss to the lackluster Pittsburgh Pirates.
Despite the bad baseball it was nevertheless an exciting day. After the game there was a professional eating contest behind homeplate. It featured none other than
Joey Chesnut, who is the world record holder for multiple foods, including hotdogs.
What, you ask was on the plate this evening? It was none other than kolaches. For those of you not in the know a kolache is a Czech food that consists of a pastry roll that is filled with some type of meat or fruit. In this case it was sausage kolaches that were consumed. Below is a picture of one if you are still having trouble visualizing this:

Anyhow, our good friend Joey Chesnut won the event, downing 56 kolaches in eight minutes (a new world record, thank you very much!). Here is a picture of the wonderful event. If you look closely you can see the water, that they dipped the kolaches in, dripping from their mouths:

Finally, Joey was kind enough to sign a baseball for me prior to the eating contest:

It’s nice to know that such a big star in the professional eating circuit still has time for the little people!
Totals for the day: 16 cents
Race Totals: $607.39