Thursday, November 30, 2006
Today I found 3 Hungarian Forint (one two Forint coin and two one Forint coins). I also found a 50 Haleru coin in Prague. Although the foreign currency is change for the purposes of this race it will sadly not count toward the daily totals. Change was found in Hungary and the Czech Republic, marking the first time I have ever found change in TWO countries in the same day!
The three Hungarian Forints were found at the train station before I left for Prague. The 50 Haleru coin (a coin that was actually taken out of circulation in the Czech Republic on October 31, 2003) was found on the sidewalk outside a store by the Charles Bridge.
Speaking of the Charles Bridge, it looks amazingly cool at night:

And here is a view of a statue on the Charles Bridge (also at night, moon in the background):

Tomorrow some pictures from Prague during the day.
Totals for the day: 3 Foreign Coins
Race Totals: $461.04