Today I found 18 cents . . . all pennies.
Heading home from a long day of work I decided to stop by Sonic and pick up a cold drink. As I exited my car I spotted a penny, then another, then a bunch more. When all was said and done I had 17 pennies. The change was scattered all over the place, from the parking lot to the patio.
In the evening I dined with my friend Tara and on the way home we stopped at the post office so I could mail a package. I found a penny in the coin return slot of a stamp machine.
So, several months ago I planted a garden and attempted to grow a few things. The mint and basil did well, the lavender died, and my peppers met with mixed success. I also attempted to grow cucumbers. The vines got big but no cucumbers actually appeared . . . . or so I thought. Today I found this on the vine:

Granted, it is not a good looking cucumber, but a cucumber it is nonetheless.
I also found out today that there is a Tropical Storm that is now named after me. Hopefully it doesn't do a lot of damage, but I'm hoping to get a few headlines out of it. I can see it now, "People Run Scared of Chris," or "Chris Gains Strength." I'm excited.
Why is it that every player who ever leaves the Phillies comes out and says that they are not committed to winning? The first time it happens you figure it is hard feelings. The second time I wonder if there is something to it.
Totals for the day: 18 cents
Race Totals: $338.84